Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Happy new year ! yes. Its 2014. 2013 went by very, very fast. This year was an ''ok'' year I guess you could say . Very interesting, amazing, yet kind of terrible. The ups, I gained some confidence in myself. I am better at ignoring other peoples opinion about me and I gained some new amazing friends, I got an amazing sister in law, and a beautiful nephew. The downs, I lost family members and friends.

I have a good feeling that 2014 will be good to me. ( at least I hope so ) My new years resolutions are...

  1. Loose wait and be happy
  2. Meet new people
  3. Become more positive
  4. Eat more healthy
I have the whole loose weight one every year. But, I never do it. I'm going to be very serious about it this year though. I have to be.

I hope every one had a good Christmas and I hope you have a fantastic year ! :)